Meeting each other where we are

We know faith is built in the everyday: through shared experiences, joyful celebrations and vulnerable moments. We come together in informal settings that allow us to grow closer and stronger in faith, forging bonds that hold a unique space in our hearts and lives.


This high-energy gang meets each Sunday afternoon for a host of fun activities, with some important life lessons mixed right in. From team games to songs and service projects, our Providence kids reflect the best in all of us.

Youth Group

Middle and high school students gather each Sunday afternoon to stay connected, share their stories, and enjoy each other. A strong tradition at Providence, our youth group members take an active role in local service products, as well as mission and music retreats.

Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women (PW) circles are a catalyst within the church for family fellowship and mission work. It’s the best way to immediately get to know other women, and get engaged in the life of Providence.

We offer four circle groups for women of various ages and life stages. Meetings are typically held once a month, either at church or in homes.

Circle 2 | meets 2nd Thursday at 6:30 pm at member homes

Circle 3 | meets 2nd Sunday at 12:30 pm typically at church

Circle 4 | meets 2nd Tuesday at 10:45 am in the church library

Men of the Church

Every second Monday of the month, guys of all ages gather at wherever we like (church and/or each others’ homes) to fire up the grill or BBQ pit and kick back together. It’s a great way to get to know everyone and their interests in life. More than a few big ideas for missions, church projects and fun in general have cropped up out of this bunch.



Join us!

We'd love to connect you to a group we think you might enjoy. Send us your contact info here, and we'll set up some time to talk!