From the Study

 May 2024

I hope you all are enjoying the beautiful weather. Spring is finally here and summer is not far behind. The flowers have been exceptionally glorious this spring and so has the pollen. Many who have said they have never had sneezing and coughing before have felt the pangs of hay fever and allergies this spring.  

May is a busy month in the church. We have National Day of Prayer on Thursday the 2nd when anyone interested may drop by the Sanctuary for a few minutes to pray on a personal note or for world peace or anything on your heart. May 5th we will have a Congregational Meeting at the end of service  to elect 6 new elders for the years 2026 and 2027. The elders nominated and agreeing to serve for 2026 are Joanne Masters, Tim Monetti and Fred Clas; elders for 2027 are Wanda McKeever, Devon Wise and Sue Fehrer.

  May 12th is Mother’s Day when we recognize the gifts our mothers have been and  are to us and we take up the Mother’s Day offering.  This offering was started 70 years ago for the benefit of Presbyterian Communities in South Carolina. This offering provides care to residents of the five Presbyterian Communities, who through no fault of their own have outlived their life’s savings.

May 19, we will celebrate Pentecost, or what we Christians consider the birth of the church. Remember to wear red to church that day. Pentecost is truly a joyous day to celebrate who we are and whose we are.

Another note, at each Session meeting I ask the elders questions about Providence Church and its future. This week I asked them to think about who we are as a church and who do we serve. How are we reaching our neighbors and how are we reimaging Church? If you have some ideas, reach out to the Session members or to me to discuss these issues. This is Christ’s church, but you are the hands and feet, the eyes and voice. Our call as Christians is to bring others to Christ, that others come to know the love of Christ through us.


Pastor Alice
